Designed for two-way radio and bar code scanning devices, ACT’s iCHARGE line is the most intelligent battery charging and conditioning solution on the market today. Incorporating our patented Dynamic Electrochemical Waveform (DEW™) technology, ACT’s single, six-bay, twelve-bay, and in-vehicle chargers eliminate battery problems while dramatically extending battery performance.

Since purchasing the ACT i70 Six Bay Desktop Charger, complete with 2 x ACT iGAUGE Battery Analyser Adaptors in April 2005, we have been able to reactivate a quantity of both NiCd and NiMH batteries for our rental stock and customers. Many of these batteries were below the minimum capacity and written off until cycled on the ACT Charger. The need for charging a large quantity of batteries in minimal time has become much easier with the ACT Six Bay Charger. Charging new batteries to full capacity in as little as 2 hours.Changing the charging pockets for different makes and models of batteries is a huge advantage for our Technicians, reducing the number of charger's required in our Technical Division. Changing pockets is so easy -even our Administrator can do it!
I want to do what’s best for the customer, if we can save them a little money on batteries in the long run that a happier customer. Everyone we have sold to has been very happy with it, we carry the ACTivators as a service to our customers. Yes we probably are selling fewer batteries, but if the customer is happy, he’ll stay with us because he knows that we’re looking out for his best interests.
“No one’s complaining for a change, and I love that. With my personal radio, I only change the battery once a day and I’m a happy camper.“The ACTivators are doing well. The batteries are charged daily and we have no problems – it’s gotten rid of battery memory. Now, when the batteries are charged up, they’re charged for the day -- a 12- hour shift. This is a manufacturing plant that operates 24/7 with about 150 radios, so being able to depend on our batteries for a full shift is important. Before we got the ACTivators, you might have had to charge a battery in the middle of the day.
We’re happy with the ACTivator. We’ve tried a bunch of different chargers, and this is the first thing that works. It keeps batteries alive. We’ve tried everything, even the Motorola conditioner/ charger, and it didn’t do anything for our batteries. We tested the ACTivator, and it absolutely amazed at how quickly it brought life back to batteries. A battery will actually last an entire shift. Even after we got the Motorola charger, we though we were just out of luck with batteries. Batteries had been a very sore subject around here for a long time.
We installed an ACT charger in our local station and found that within a few weeks the number of batteries being sent back as unusable has dropped dramatically.

The ACT iCHARGE 12 is a 12 bay charger designed for use with selected OEM portable radio,including popular TETRA models, and bar code scanner batteries (or mobile data capture device batteres).

The ACT iCHARGE i8 Six-Bay is a tri-chemistry conditioning charger designed for use with most major OEM portable radio batteries, including Motorola® Impress™.

i20/i25 Single Bay Conditioning Charger, available in desktop or in-vehicle design, offer robust tri-chemistry conditioning charging.

The most versatile and robust charging solution

12 Bay Charger available for Motorola MTP3000/6000